It was a pleasure meeting and talking with ‘the Bad Boy of Sports Radio’ Allen Smothers. His show is wildly entertaining, a morning zoo of sports radio with comedy, music and plenty of talk about Clemson & South Carolina football year round.”
Ronnie Gallagher -Sports Editor, Salisbury, NC Post
Even as a lifelong Clemson fan, I can’t wait to hear what E~Daddy has to say about his Gamecocks and our rivalry each week. I won’t say I respect it, but I know he’s as passionate as I am on the other end of the spectrum.
“Tiger” Mark Keefe - Loyal Listener, Coward, SC
I am elated that a show in our area has finally decided to spotlight local athletes and teams! Allen wants people to think he’s a “Bad Boy,” when really he’s a good friend to all of our teams and players.
David Bennett - Former Head Football Coach, Coastal Carolina University
I’ve listened from the start. You have the only local show worth listening to. Yes, you’re a little controversial, but that’s what makes you who you are! By the way – Go Wolfpack… Howwwl!!!
Jimmy Gardner - Loyal Listener, Lake City, SC
Talk Radio – more specifically, sports talk radio – can be an invigorating, enlightening source of entertainment. If done right… That brings me to Allen Smothers, who seems to have the energy and the desire to draw this area into the sports talk arena. …”
Mark Jaworski - Sports Editor, Fayetteville, NC Observer